
My Kin List!!

Double's are always welcome! In fact, they're encouraged >:3

Highest Kins

Jack Frost (ROTG)

-we are both very very silly :)
-There’s so much to say about him because I’ve lowkey Kinned him since I was like 9 HELP
-300 year loneliness haha
-Winter is my fav season >:)))))
-“He is the spirit of mischief and chaos personified.” -rotg wiki
-Literally loves kids
-Anti-social and standoff-ish at first 💙
-Very touched starved and sorta shocked at sudden touches as a result
-Steph Puts others needs before her own and often forgets to take care of herself
-Fun, Joy, and Happiness babey!!!!!
-Low self confidence :’)
-Fluffy hair
-Fuck fear all my bitches hate fear
-Fuck authority all my bitches hate authority
-Had a fear of water for a while
-A Bisexual icon tbh (HC)
-Loves to be there for others
-my memory is either very good or terrible. no in between.
-white is prolly my fav color ngl
-sticks are cool!!
-I literally would love to work with kids in the future like-

Tohru Honda

-Sometimes I can be too nice oops
-constantly tries to help others even if theirs nothing I can do
-tries WAY too hard
-daddy and mommy issues :)
-attachment issues :')
-separation issues :''''')
-sucks at studying
-loves a certain orange haired cat man
-I just want. to help.
-often neglects her own needs
-overly polite at times
-✨ trauma

Claude Von Riegan

-stays out of major political conflicts
-lets other people do the work for him :)))
-easily thrown off guard if things don't go exactly the way he thought it would
-schemes :)
-uses jokes as a escape
-joking is my only good form of communication oops

Lower Kins

Komaru Naegi

-airheads sometimes!
-My gf is literally toko fukawa in the real
-Cares a little too much about others
-Friendship is magic tbh
-Hope!! Hope Hope!!!
-Shoujo Manga
-Major Optimistic!
-“Considers herself boring, ordinary and weak.” -danganronpa komaru wiki
-Easily excitable
-Very gullible
-Can be naive at times

Kokichi Ouma

-I am sorry in advance
-Gremlin at heart
-Just wants some fucking love but doesn’t know how to ask for it so it comes out like ur bein kinda grumpy
-I have a bit of a white lie problem- nothing serious tho of course :)
-Weird laugh gang
-I like to think that pre-game kokichi was younger me :) because tbh I acted pretty damn close to what the wiki said in early middle school oops

Rin Hoshizora

-I love cats so much but I’m allergic (rin’s whole persona is loving cats, but she is allergic.)
-Dancing is probs one of my fav things
-insecurity about wearing skirts outside of stage costumes
-bada ba ba baaaaa Body Issues
-Idol groups!
-Sucks at school but tries :’’’’’’)